Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Social Care : Learning from Practice - new book from Ireland

The Dublin publishers Gill & Macmillan announce the publication of Social Care : Learning from Practice edited by Noel Howard and Denise Lyons. Noel Howard has been a generous contributor of articles to the goodenoughcaring Journal. The book is written by social care workers and draws on insightful stories of practice key issues that impact the social care of children and young people today. It offers a wealth of practical knowledge from the experiences of social care workers who have worked with different groups in diverse settings. If you wish to learn more about this book or if you are interested in purchasing it please go to Social Care : Learning from Practice .

Noel Howard is a retired social care worker and manager. He is the founder member and secretary of Social Care Ireland and is Chair of Care Leavers Ireland. He has written on social care work and edits publications for the Irish Association of Social Care Workers.
Denise Lyons is a lecturer in the Department of Humanities, Institute of Technology Blanchardstown, and has worked as a social care worker in residential care for several years. She is also an art therapist and the editor of Creative Studies for the Caring Professions (Gill & Macmillan). Denise is currently the President of Social Care Ireland.
Social Care : Learning from Practice will be reviewed in the December 2014 issue of the goodenoughcaring Journal.

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