Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Radical Then, Radical Now : Care and Education in Communities

The Child Care History Network, in association with Hilfield Friary, presents:

Radical Then, Radical Now : Care and Education in Communities

A conference to celebrate the centenary of the Little Commonwealth and Homer Lane, and to reflect on the future of residential therapeutic child care and education with a group of leading practitioners, academics, writers and thinkers.
The conference takes place on Saturday, November 9th, 2013 from 10.15 am to 4.45 pm at Hilfield Friary, Dorset DT2 7BE
The conference is preceded by the 5th Anniversary AGM of the Child Care History Network.
Delegates are invited to share the evocative spaces built and lived in by the child and adult citizens of one of the 20th Century’s best known and most influential experiments in child reclamation and education. Created in 1913, closed in 1918, in 1921 the Little Commonwealth farm and buildings became home to a radical new Anglican order of friars, created to serve the homeless and destitute, and still flourishing in an ever-evolving community as part of the world-wide Anglican Society of Saint Francis. The conference will be a day-long discussion of history, heritage, community, continuity, and the future of education in communities and residential therapeutic child care.

The speakers are :
Judith Stinton, "Round the Houses: A walking tour of the Little Commonwealth"
Michael Fielding, "Self-government, shared responsibility and the possibility of radical democratic education"
Albert Lamb, "The Rescue of Childhood: Homer Lane and A.S. Neill"
Brother Philip Bartholomew, SSF, St. Francis School, Hooke, and the place and role of Hilfield Friary and the Society of Saint Francis in community living, service, and education
Charles Sharpe, “Freedom cannot be given. It is taken by children and demands the privilege of conscious wrong-doing." Has Homer Lane's thesis space to be accommodated in the 21st century?
Emily Charkin, "Building and Learning: Exploring the fundamentals of radical education and child care"
John Diamond, 'the children of the dangerous and perishing classes'
David Gribble, "Similar ideas in dissimilar settings"
Booking forms and further details of the conference can be found at the CCHN website.
Fees (which include lunch) for the conference are £85 and £70 for members.

This news item first appeared on the goodenoughcaring home page on October 9th, 2013

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Separation and Reunion Forum 14th Annual Conference - Attachment Issues: Children’s Rights

The Separation & Reunion Forum cordially invites you to their 14th annual conference :

Attachment Issues: Children’s Rights

Date: Friday 29th. November 2013
Venue: London Voluntary Resource Centre, 356 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA
Time: 9.30am to 4.30 pm

The Conference will explore, the relationship between Attachment and the Rights of the Child; how these are reflected in the approaches of policy makers and practitioners in the provision of services for children and families. Participants will be able to select from a wide range of practical workshops which address various issues affecting children. Example, Education, Health, Adoption, Child Abuse, Migrant Children and Children in the Justice System .

Key Note Speakers:
  • Dr Simon Hoffman, School of Law; Wales Observatory on Human Rights of Children and Young People, Swansea University. “Attachment and Children’s Rights: Exploring the Relationships.”
  • Dr Antonia Bifulco, Professor of Psychology, Middlesex University. “Understanding Adult Attachment in Family Relationships: Impacting on Children’s Needs.”
  • Dr Linda Ince, Researcher, Freelance Life Coaching, Social Work Trainer and consultant.
  • Dr Tirril Harris, International Attachment Network. Chair of Panel ”Question Time.”
Conference Fees: £65.00 for non-members £50.00 for members and £35.00 for Concessions: students, retired, unemployed.

A booking form for the event can be found at SRF
Payment can also be made by cheque to SRF, Room 003, 250 York Road, SW11 3SJ.

Venue: Voluntary Sector Resource Centre, 356 Holloway Road, London, N7 6PA
For further information on this event, please, email: serefo or ring 020 7801 0135.

This news item first appeared on the home page of the goodenoughcaring website on October 8th, 2013