Wednesday, 22 June 2011

The Care Leavers' Assocation : upcoming network meetings

The Care Leavers' Assocation : upcoming network meetings
The Care Leavers' Assocation is a network of care leavers run by care leavers for care leavers. If you have experienced a childhood in care this is an opportunity to be part of a groundbreaking network which offers opportunities to socialise, to meet other care leavers, to share experiences and to get involved with care leavers' issue in meetings that are for care leavers only.
To find out more about CLA  contact Darren Coyne at or 'phone him on 0161 236 1980/0790 4485921
The Care leavers' Assocation is a charity supported by the Lloyds TSB Foundation.
Upcoming network meetings
South East Network Meeting, London, Thursday 23rd June, 2011 at Somers Town Community Association,
150 Ossulston Street, London NW1 1 EE
The time of the meeting will be from 6.30 pm to 9.30pm and refreshments will be provided between 6.30pm and 7.00pm.
South East Network Meeting, Brighton, Sussex, Wednesday 22nd June,2011 at Brighthelm Church and Community Centre, North Road, Brighton BN1 1YD    See the website at for a map. The time of the meeting will be from 6.30pm to 9.30pm. Refreshments will be provided between 6.30pm and 7pm, with the meeting proper starting at 7pm finishing just before 9.30pm.
Yorkshire & Humber Network Meeting, Leeds ,Monday 27th June,2011, at Central Leeds Friends Meeting House,188 Woodhouse Lane, Leeds LS2 9DX  See the website at The time of the meeting will be from 7pm to 9.30pm. Refreshments will be provided between 7pm and 7.30pm, with the meeting proper starting at 7.30pm finishing just before 9.30.
North West Network Meeting, Manchester, Thursday, 30th June, 2011, at the Mancheter Metropolitan University in Room E201, Second floor, John Dalton Building, which is on the Oxford Road opposite the BBC. The post code is M1 5GD For a map go to The time of the meeting will be from 6pm to 9pm.
Refreshments will be provided between 6pm and 6.30pm
All the meetings are for care leavers only.
Darren will also be getting his tent out and travelling the South West this summer in the week beginning 1st August 2011, working his way from Truro to Bristol. He will be in Truro on  1st August, in Plymouth on 2nd August, in Exeter on 3rd August, in Taunton on 4th August and Bristol  on 5th August. Further details will be up on the CLA website over the coming weeks at
If you require assistance to attend any of  these meetings please contact Darren.
Contact Darren Coyne at or 'phone him on 0161 236 1980/0790 4485921
This item first appeared on the goodenoughcaring home page at                            on June 21st, 2011

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Separation and Reunion Forum Seminar 25th June, 2011 : "The Challenge of Caring for Looked After Children"

On Saturday, 25th June the Separation and Reunion Forum are holding a seminar with the theme The Challenge of Caring for Looked After Children  at the Methodist International Centre, 81-103 Euston Street, London NW1 2EZ. The seminar is from 11am to 2pm. The AGM of the Separation and Reunion Forum will take place in the same venue between 10.00am and 11.00am prior to the seminar.
The seminar speakers are Phil Frampton, Robert Tapsfield, Andrew Carter and Jean Stogdon.
The Methodist International Centre is 5 minutes walk from Euston Station, 8 minutes from Euston Square, 12 mins from Kings Cross and is on the following bus routes from Victoria,74, and from Waterloo, 168, 68 and 59.

This news item first appeared on the goodenoughcaring home page at   on June 21st, 2011.

Monday, 6 June 2011

The launch of Social Care Ireland

The launching of Social Care Ireland takes place at 11.30 am on June 20th, 2011 at Buswells Hotel, Dublin.
The minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Ms Frances Fitzgerald will officially inaugurate the new organisation which is made up of three social care representative bodies, the Irish Association of Social Care Workers,the Irish Association of Social Care Educators and the Registered Managers' Association.
The aims of the new organisation are

  • to provide a consistent and cohesive voice both privately and publicly to key issues relevant to social care work and education;

  • to help bring elements of social care education, training and practice closer together to aid consultation for outside agencies on the development of the social care profession;

  • to follow some of the successes of other professions in providing a common voice for different branches of the same discipline.

Further information about Social Care Ireland and this event can be found at or by telephone at +353-1-894 2765
This news item first appeared on June &th, 2011 on the home page of  the goodenoughcaring website at

Sunday, 5 June 2011

SIRCC National Conference, Glasgow, June 8th and 9th, 2011

The Scottish Institute of Residential Child Care will be holding its national conference at the Thistle Hotel in Glasgow on June 8th and 9th. The theme of the conference is "Changing Cultures : embracing and influencing the residential child care experience."  SIRCC's intention is that the conference will offer an opportunity to share good practice, to reflect on the joys and the challenges that face the sector and to hear the views of young people. The conference will challenge practice, motivate staff, help to break down barriers and encourage a culture based on fresh and innovative ideas.
It is a conference for everyone involved in residential child care, at any level and for those whose work impacts on the sector through associated professional interests.
The keynote speakers are Professor Jim Anglin University of Victoria, Canada, and Professor Lena Dominelli University of Durham, England.
Other invited speakers are, Stevie Brown, Sean Cameron,Tim Chapman,Hannah Dale,Lorraine Davidson,John Digney,Laila Dreyer,Jacqui Dunbar, Zachari Duncalf,Tine Egelund,Tony Ferrie, Julie Fisher,Elaine Georgeson,Noel Howard,Turf Jacobsen,Karen Japp,Jill Keegan,Professor Andrew Kendrick, Miriam Landor, Bill Lowell, Sheila MacDougall,Iain McLeod, Elena Masoero, Jacqui McAlpine, Nikki Milligan, Dev Muniah,Joe Nee, Kirsten Patience, Dora Pereria,Margaret Semple, Isabele Silva,Cheryl Smith,Laura Steckley,Mike Sutherland, Anne-Margaret Thompson, and Chris Walter.
More details about the conference can be found at :

This news item first appeared on the goodenoughcaring website home page on June 5th, 2011