This was first posted on the home page of goodenoughcaring at in January, 2011
Stuart Hannah tells us that the next Northern School of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy conference Promoting Recovery in Looked-After and Adopted Children : Theory into Practice is to be held on 21st March, 2011 at NSCAP, Bevan House, 34-36 Springwell Road, Leeds, LS12 1AW
The principal speakers will be : Graham Music, Associate Clinical Director, Child and Family Department at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, Richard Rose, Lead Clinical Consultant at SACCS, who will speak on ‘Life story work and the healing process’ and Nick Frost, Professor of Social Work, Childhood, Children and Families, at Leeds Metropolitan University
The event which is sponsored by Bryn Melyn Care will be of value to sector leaders, CAMHS clinicians, LAC nurses, residential staff/managers and others who are concerned with outcomes for this vulnerable group of children and young people.
For an application form for this event go to
The event which is sponsored by Bryn Melyn Care will be of value to sector leaders, CAMHS clinicians, LAC nurses, residential staff/managers and others who are concerned with outcomes for this vulnerable group of children and young people.
For an application form for this event go to